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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/27/2007
Selectmen’s Minutes
June 27, 2007

Opened: 7:05 P.M.  

Present:        James Wettlaufer, Earl Johnson, Christian Petersen

Motion 06272707-1:  Motion made by  Earl Johnson, seconded by James Wettlaufer to accept the minutes of  June 13 meeting as read, all in favor.

Motion 06207007-2  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Christian Petersen,  all in favor, to appoint the following:

Recreation Committee:           Tammy Salisbury, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        April Burns, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Erik Iller, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Arthur Evans, term to expire June 30, 2008

Cable Commission:                       Jennifer Livernois, term to expire June 30, 2008

Cultural Council:                               Charlotte Lundgren, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Denise Cote, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Rick Munnis, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Beth Parys, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Holly Gillen, term to expire June 30, 2008

Town Accountant:                        Timothy Harrison, term to expire June 30, 2008

Police Department:                      Lt. Ray Morehouse, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Sgt. Bryan Haughey, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Officer Justin Davey, term to expire June 30, 2008
                        Officer Michael Adcock, term to expire June 30, 2008

Assessors’ Clerk:                       Sara Meier, term to expire June 30, 2008

Inspector of Animals & Slaughter:       Karen Tavernier, term to expire June 30, 2008

Veteran’s Agent:                        Robert Mathison, term to expire June 30, 2008

Harbormasters:                          Ray Perleoni, term to expire June 30, 2008
                                        Jerry Taub, term to expire June 30, 2008
Sexual Harassment Officer               Elaine Lengowski, term to expire June 30, 2008

Motion 06272007-3:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson to appoint Ron Seaburg and Don Beal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, terms to expire 2010.

Motion 06272007-4:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson to appoint Christian Petersen, Jr. as the Animal Control Officer, term to expire June 30, 2008.  (Two votes taken in favor, one abstention:  Christian Petersen abstained.)

7:30 p.m. Appointment: Paul Foster, Fire Chief
Motion 06272007-5:  Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson, all in favor, to approve a three-year contract for the Fire Chief, term to expire 2010 as well as a side letter authorizing his use of a vehicle during his term of employment.  Both contracts were signed by all present.

Warrants were signed and delivered to the Treasurer.

Motion 06272007-6:   Motion made by James Wettlaufer, seconded by Earl Johnson, all in favor, to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Lengowski
Executive Secretary